Uninsured Motorist coverage protects you against bodily injury, medical expenses, rehabilitation and loss wages that you may occur when involved in an accident caused by another driver that has lower liability limits or no liability insurance at all. Insurance providers must offer this coverage with any new business or at renewal. Typically this coverage “automatically” comes with your auto policy but you do have the option to reject the coverage. This coverage usually matches your liability limits and can only be purchased as an addition to a primary insurance policy. When purchasing UM you are covering the policy holder, all drivers listed on the policy and in some circumstances passengers.
“According to a data released by the Insurance Research Council (IRC), the probability of being caught in a vehicular accident with an uninsured driver in Colorado is as high as 15%” (Hopper, 2010). Colorado was even ranked 16th in having the most uninsured drivers on the streets. With these staggering facts it is very important to make sure your auto policy has this coverage and to discuss your limits with your agent. At CIS we make sure our clients are always covered and automatically quote each policy with UM because we know how important it can be.
Work Cited
What is uninsured motorist coverage? [Web log message]. (2008, August 14). Retrieved from http://www.thetruthaboutinsurance.com/what-is-uninsured-motorist-coverage/
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