Car and Driver Magazine conducted a study to see which distraction influences the reaction time to braking while driving a vehicle. They rigged a car with a red light in the windshield to act like a brake light for a vehicle in front of them. When driving 70 mph it took .54 seconds for the unimpaired driver with no distractions to brake. When legally drunk (.08) it added an extra 4 feet, while reading an email it added 36 feet and when sending a text it added 70 feet!
America averages over 75 billion text messages a year. Over 50 percent of teen drivers admit to texting while driving and 40 percent of crashes in urban areas are related to distractive driving. According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration over 515,000 people have been injured because of distracted drivers and a startling 5,800 people were killed in 2008. Fatality Accident Reporting System concludes that between 2001 & 2007, 16,141 lives were taken because of cell phone use while driving.
Colorado State law prohibits drivers under age of 18 to use hand held cell phones at all. It is also a crime for any driver to text, email or tweet while driving. Governor Bill Ritter signed the bill in 2009 and assigned a $50 fine for first time offenders and $100 fine for second time offenders. It is important for parents to preach to their teen drivers about the dangers of distractive driving and of course lead by example. If you absolutely need to text, tweet, email or fb pull over and come to a complete stop before reaching for your hand held device. Also, those with Blackberries and Android phones can download an application that restricts you from texting while driving.
A text, tweet and email can wait so do not let your smart phone allow you to do something stupid. In one single second your whole life could change for the worse. A BRB, LOL & TTYL can wait.
Work Cited
Chester, S. (2010, September 24). Texting while driving responsible for 16,000 deaths in 6 years [Web log message]. Retrieved from
Genachowskis, J. Federal Communications Commission, Testimony to Senate Commerce Committee. (2009). Texting while driving Washington, DC: Federal Communications Commission. Retrieved from
LeBeau, P. (2009, June 25). Texting and driving worse than drinking and driving [Web log message]. Retrieved from