Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Build a Better Brain

Most people think that as you get older so does your brain. You can now set aside everything you believe about how your brain works with age. A recent study on this subject is mind-boggling. "Long-standing wisdom has been that brain function is destined to decline as we age," says Elizabeth Zelinski, PhD, a professor at the University of Southern California. "The good news is, that's simply not true." In fact, research now suggest you have a good chance of keeping your brain sharp if you commit to the right kind of concentrated effort. Scientist have recently came up with the term "brain plasticity" which means you can improve your brain function at any age.
Since the science is still new and evolving there is some controversy over how to build and maintain your brain. However there is a common agreement that in order to enhance brain function, activities must be both stimulating and challenging. Exercise your brain by doing crossword puzzles, learning to play a new instrument, play catch, etc.
One of the daily life activities that can benefit significantly from enhanced brain fitness is driving. This is good news for both older drivings and concerned adult children of older drivers. A car can swerve into your lane or a driver in front of you can clam on the brakes. A few millisecond in your reaction time can make the difference between a scare and a bad crash. That is why it is important to take an active role in staying safe on the road as you age.
For more information on brain fitness including fun activities to test your brain power visit. http://www.hartfordbrainfitness.com/

At CIS we are committed to taking care of our clients and providing them with the most accurate and up to date information. This blog is just one small step to informing you as a driver on how to stay safe and sharpen your brain.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Product Shelf Life

Here is a quick guide to the shelf life of common items and when to change them. Here is a rundown of the goods most of us hang on to for far too long. Batteries and food aren't the only household items that have a limited shelf life. Check this list and if you need to, make the switch. Some items could cause an accident or serious damage.

Motor oil: 5,000 to 20,000 miles (or as recommended in your owner's manual)
     Consider using synthetic oils. Yes, they are more expensive but they do a better job of protecting your engine from heat and wear on certain kinds of cars.

Smoke alarm: 10 years
     The National Fire Protection Association recommends replacing your smoke alarms every 10 years. Make a hash mark on it every time you replace the batteries, which should be annually. If you have 10 marks, it's time to go shopping.

Vitamins: 3 years (if there's no expiration date on the bottle)
     The active ingredients in vitamins break down over time, causing the pills to lose their potency.

Toothbrush: 3 to 4 months
     Old brushes may harbor bacteria, increasing your risk of gingivitis. Plus, frayed and splayed bristles do an inferior job of scraping plaque. Also consider buying a new brush after you've had a cold or the flu.

Contact lens case: 3 months
     You'll reduce your risk of eye infections from parasites and fungi that grow in the case.

Pillow: 1 year

Mattress: 9 to 10 years
     You flatten the coils over time. A lumpy mattress can stress your back.

Bedsheets: 1 to 2 weeks (wash)
     Germs from your skin, mouth, and nose multiply on dirty sheets and can cause respiratory,  gastrointestinal, skin, and eye infections. It's best to wash linens in hot water.

Running shoes: 7 months (if running 10 to 19 miles a week)
     Shoes lose their shock absorption and stability, putting you more at risk of knee and ankle injuries.

Passwords: 30 to 90 days
     Hacking programs can zip through 30,000 words in one second. For a password that is tough to crack yet still easy to remember, convert a sentence into letters and numbers. For example, turn "I want to go to Maui in 2014" into "iw2g2m4"

Best Before When?

Food shoppers frequently believe "best before" "expires on" and "sell by" dates are one and the same. They're not. And much of the time, these dates are indicators of food quality, not safety. Here's what you need to know about the shelf life of your groceries.

Best Before and Use By:

Typically found on shelf'-stable products, such as condiments and canned food, these dates refer to how long the item will remain at its best quality when unopened. If the date has passed, look, sniff and taste the item to gauge its quality. Most items, once opened should be tightly sealed and stored in the refrigerator.

Sell By:

Found on perishables, the sell-by date lets grocers know how long they can keep items on their shelves. Consumers can safely store the product at home use the food after this time. For example, refrigerated poultry can be used up to two days past the sell-by date and milk may still be good up to a week later.

Expires On:

Toss any food item-unopened or not- after this expiration date has passed.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Be Prepared for Labor Day Weekend!

We want to wish everyone a fun and safe labor day weekend. We know many of you will be doing one last road trip or camping trip to wrap up the summer season. When taking long road trips or driving up the mountains it is important to be prepared for anything. At CIS we have come up with a car emergence kit. Having an emergency preparedness kit in your car is sort of like having good insurance. You hope you'll never need it-but boy are you glad it's there on road trips if you have an accident or need to help others.
Emergency kits with most essentials cost $30 to $100 at stores that sell auto accessories. You can also assemble your own kit in case of an emergency, heres what you should include.
Use a sturdy canvas bag with handles or a plastic bin to store your emergency preparedness kit and secure it so it doesn't roll or move when the car is moving. Include the following:
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Cloth or roll of paper towels
  • Jumper cables
  • Blankets
  • Flares or warning triangles
  • Nonperishable snacks, such as energy or granola bars
  • Drinking water
  • Extra clothes
  • First-aid kit
  • Basic tool kit that includes screwdrivers, pliers and adjustable wrench
  • Phone charger
  • Auto-safety hammer
  • Copy of insurance ID card
At CIS we guarantee excellent customer service for our valued clients and do business with 6 major insurance carriers that are all A/A+ rated with AM BEST. Get a FREE, NO Obligation Quote today!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

August: Deadliest Month

It's true August is the deadliest month on the road. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, going back to 1994 more Americans die in the month of August from car crashes than any other month of the year. In 2009 the agency says an average of 93 people die each day from motor vehicle crashes. That is one death every 16 minutes. However, the number of people killed in August 2009 dropped by almost 400 from 2008. August leads as the deadliest month, with September following in second, July is third and March as the safest.

Deadliest days of the week are weekends by no surprise. That is when Americans tend to run extra errands, visit family and when drunk driving increases. Saturdays are the deadliest day of the week averaging 123 deaths with Sundays coming in second with 107 deaths and Fridays following in third with 102 deaths on average. The safest day of the week are Tuesdays with an average of 69 deaths. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has also narrowed down the deadliest hours between 6 pm and 8:59 pm where they report more than four people die an hour.

Of course we do not advise for everyone to stay off of the road for the month of August. Nor do we think no one should drive on the weekends or during rush hour. We give this information so you can be aware and remember that more people are on the road during these times which means more distracted driving, more people not paying attention and more people in a hurry to get somewhere. Focus on the only on the road and solely on driving only when you are behind the wheel.

At CIS we understand that accidents DO happen. That is why it is important to be properly protected and have a company that looks out for you, your loved ones and your vehicle. Get a free no obligation quote today. We are not just insurance agents, we are specialists. www.cisforyou.com

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Go Green! For Your Wallet & The Environment

You do not need to spend a fortune on a hybrid to drive green. Making even a small improvement to your car's fuel efficiency can make a big difference to the environment. Here are a few green driving tips to reduce the carbon footprint of the car that's already sitting in your driveway-and in the process, save your money!

1. Get a tune-up for the environment
       Proper maintenance can have a big impact on how much gas you use. The payback for repairs varies, but fixing a serious problem like a malfunctioning oxygen sensor can improve fuel efficiency by as much as 40%

2. Pay attention to your tires
       The next time you need new tires, consider buying low rolling resistance (LRR) tires. Rolling resistance is essentially the energy that your tires consume as they compress under the weight of your vehicle. LRR tires can improve fuel efficiency by 1.5 to 4.5 %
       Proper inflation can even make a big difference on regular tires. The Department of Energy estimates that under inflated tires waste 1.2 billion gallons of gas a year. Once a month you should check your tire's pressure, you can find the correct inflation number for your vehicle in the owner's manual. Do not go by the number listed on the tire itself, as that reflects the maximum pressure the tire can withstand.

3. Lose the junk in your trunk
       Those miscellaneous items that we haul around can add up to lots of extra weight-a hundred pounds equals about 2 % reduction in gas mileage.

4. Update your oil
       Engines on newer car models (those less than 10 years old) often require lightweight oil such as 0W20 or 0W30. (The lower the number before the W, the easier the engine will start in the cold weather, the number after the W represents the oil's thickness.) Not only does thicker oil reduce your car's fuel efficiency it can fail to lubricate the small spaces in a modern engine.

5. Adjust your octane
       Many drivers (estimates of 9 million) mistakenly believe that pumping premium gasoline in their tank will help their engines run better; some drivers periodically opt for higher grades thinking it will help them clean out the car's fuel system. In both cases this is a wasted effort. If your car wasn't designed to run on high-octane gas then using it will cause more unburned fuel to get into the emissions system. Premium gas also requires more energy to refine, so buying it when you don't have to is bad for the environment at both the production and consumption ends of the market.

6. Go green when you need to cool off
       On short trips and when driving around town, keeping your windows downs is more efficient than using the air conditioner. At highway speeds, use the air conditioner, as open windows create drag when moving fast. A green driving tip: Using the vents is the most fuel-efficient colling option of all.

7. Drive gently
       Jackrabbit starts and screeching stops are hard on your vehicle and increase fuel consumption. Flooring the gas pedal just once can emit as much carbon monoxide as half an hour of normal driving. Every car has an optimal range for fuel economy (check your owner's manual for range.) For every 5 mph over this range you drive, you're reducing fuel efficiency by about 7%

8. Be eco-friendly, even when parked
       Gas can evaporate even from a closed tank and heat speeds up the process so park in the shade when possible. By doing so, you will also reduce the amount of energy needed to cool your car when you start driving.

Hope these friendly tips will help your wallet and we know it will help the environment.


Friday, August 12, 2011

7 Simple Ways to Change Driving Habits

According to National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) Distracted driving has led to more than 5,400 highway deaths and 448,000 accidents this past year.

To keep your mind on the road and your care out of an accident, follow these 7 easy safe driving tips!

1. Stow all phones-even hand free ones
Talking or texting behind the wheel is perhaps one of the most
important driving habits to break. Of all highway deaths last year,
18% involved drivers using a cell phone before the crash. When
talking on a cell phone your risk of accident quadruples and texting
makes you eight times more likely to crash!

2. Listen to-don't watch GPS devices
High-tech gadgets are supposed to help you navigate unknown streets,
but if you fiddle with the controls or pay more attention to the
screen than the road, you jeopardize your car safety. Program your
destination before you start driving and rely on verbal cues from GPS
instead of the screen.

3. Go 3-D when looking for an address
Before you head out to an unfamiliar destination, review maps and
directions. One tool CIS finds helpful is Google Map's Street View.
The 3-D view gives you visual clues so you don't have to take your
eyes off the road to look for street signs or house addresses.

4. Adjust Controls and set the playlist before you roll
Don't fiddle with gadgets like the radio, iPod, or climate controls
while driving.  Set up everything before you turn on the ignition. If
it takes more than a glance to adjust a control, wait until you're
stopped to fix it.

5. Ban conflict-inducing conversations
When you talk with others in the car, heated arguments may pull your
attention away from the traffic signals and pedestrians. Make it a
habit that you'll save deep discussions for outside the car. The same
can be said for handling a misbehaving child.

6. Buckle up Rex
Unpredictable, unsecured pets can cause major distracted driving
concerns. There are a variety of restraints suitable for your type of
pet and car; from a cage in the back to a harness that can be buckled
with the seat belt. The backseat is also the best place for pets,
that way you won't be tempted to pet or feed them.

7. Take breaks to avoid spacing out
Daydreaming in a car can end up as a nightmare. If your mind is
wandering pull over to jot it down or make a phone call. Don't let it
keep running through your head. Take regular breaks, one at least
every two hours.
Get a FREE no obligation quote today from CIS!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Those of you that know how to text, tweet, fb & email on your mobile phone are probably guilty of distractive driving. It is easy to think you can send a quick text, check your email inbox or tweet what you are doing while stopped at a light or sitting in traffic. Truth is, texting while driving can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence.

Car and Driver Magazine conducted a study to see which distraction influences the reaction time to braking while driving a vehicle. They rigged a car with a red light in the windshield to act like a brake light for a vehicle in front of them. When driving 70 mph it took .54 seconds for the unimpaired driver with no distractions to brake. When legally drunk (.08) it added an extra 4 feet, while reading an email it added 36 feet and when sending a text it added 70 feet!
America averages over 75 billion text messages a year. Over 50 percent of teen drivers admit to texting while driving and 40 percent of crashes in urban areas are related to distractive driving. According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration over 515,000 people have been injured because of distracted drivers and a startling 5,800 people were killed in 2008. Fatality Accident Reporting System concludes that between 2001 & 2007, 16,141 lives were taken because of cell phone use while driving.
Colorado State law prohibits drivers under age of 18 to use hand held cell phones at all. It is also a crime for any driver to text, email or tweet while driving. Governor Bill Ritter signed the bill in 2009 and assigned a $50 fine for first time offenders and $100 fine for second time offenders. It is important for parents to preach to their teen drivers about the dangers of distractive driving and of course lead by example. If you absolutely need to text, tweet, email or fb pull over and come to a complete stop before reaching for your hand held device. Also, those with Blackberries and Android phones can download an application that restricts you from texting while driving.
A text, tweet and email can wait so do not let your smart phone allow you to do something stupid. In one single second your whole life could change for the worse. A BRB, LOL & TTYL can wait.
Work Cited
Chester, S. (2010, September 24). Texting while driving responsible for 16,000 deaths in 6 years [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://techcrunch.com/2010/09/24/study-texting-while-driving-responsible-for-16000-deaths-in-6-years
Genachowskis, J. Federal Communications Commission, Testimony to Senate Commerce Committee. (2009). Texting while driving Washington, DC: Federal Communications Commission. Retrieved from http://www.fcc.gov/guides/texting-while-driving
 LeBeau, P. (2009, June 25). Texting and driving worse than drinking and driving [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://www.cnbc.com/id/31545004/site/14081545

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pay Attention

Can You See the Motorcycle?

Now You Can!

 The Honda Crotch Rocket was traveling 85 mph. The VW driver was talking on a cell phone when she pulled out of a side street and did not see the motorcycle. The vehicle had two passengers and the bike rider was found INSIDE the vehicle. All three were killed instantly. The VW actually flipped 20 feet from where the collision took place because of the impact. This demonstration was placed at the Motorcycle  Fair by policy and Road Safety Department. We all know that accidents DO happen but this one could have been prevented. The driver was making a phone call on her brand new cell phone and did not have her full attention on driving. The motorcyclist was obviously going way too fast and in a split second 3 lives were taken. Please pass this photo on to all young drivers, motorcycle riders and people who use a cell phone while driving.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Sun Is Shining so…What’s this talk about Umbrellas!?!

Yes, there is such a thing as an “umbrella policy” in insurance. This policy acts just like it sounds, it covers your underlying policies to protect you financially when dealing with a liability claim. This policy kicks in once your underlying policy limits are exhausted. For example, if your auto liability limit is $500,000 and you get into an accident that exceeds the $500,000 your umbrella would drop down and pay for the additional expenses. Umbrella policies typically run by the millions, starting as low as one million and are only eligible on auto policies that carry at least a single limit of $500,000. Premiums can vary depending on driving record, number of drivers in household, amount of homes etc. Typically a premium is between $150-$200 a year per million. The term “umbrella” in plain words, shields the insured’s assets more broadly then their primary policies would.
Not only does this policy drop down once the primary policy limits are exhausted but it also provides coverage to claims that may be excluded. False arrest, libel, slander and civil suits are prime examples. It used to be that only the wealthy needed or wanted this policy. However, now that anyone can sue for any reason, at any time, an umbrella adds the extra protection you might need. It is important to know that people can be declined from this type of policy and that is why it is important to work with your insurance agent to find out if you are a fit candidate for this extra insurance.
Don’t be caught out in the rain, get an umbrella policy so you aren’t trapped in financial pain!  
Always feel free to visit our site http://www.cisforyou.com/ for a free quote on your auto or home!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Do I need Medical Coverage?

As of January 2009, in the state of Colorado, insurers are required to offer you medical coverage of at least $5,000. This is an extra coverage on an auto policy that pays for the drivers and passengers medical bills no matter who is at fault. Depending on your carrier, coverage can vary between $5,000 to $50,000 and payments are not subject to your deductible. It is relatively cheap and covers you for long term care, hospitalization, dental treatment, ambulance bills and even your funeral. It protects you or your family if you are riding in another vehicle or even just walking down the side of the road.
This coverage is an addition to your health insurance so if you have adequate health insurance you may want to opt out by signing a rejection form. However, for a low premium this coverage is highly recommended. Medical coverage is primary when involved in an automobile accident so it can even help pay off your health insurance deductible if you have not already matched it. Before rejecting this coverage it is important to look over your own health insurance policy and of course discuss the options with your personal auto insurance agent.
At CO Insurance Specialist we are always willing to review your policy, explain coverage’s and give multiple quotes for different options.   
Call us today! 1-888-265-6467

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June Events & Holidays!

 June Events & Holidays
Be sure you don't miss out on a holiday or special event this June. Read up on some of the most popular holiday histories and what events you can participate in!

Sunday June 5- World Environment Day- This day was established to stimulate awareness of the environment around the world. This day promotes ways to improve the earths environment and enhances political attention and action. So do your part and plant a tree or join a clean-up campaign.

Tuesday June 14-Flag Day- An American holiday celebrating and showing respect to our flag and the people who designed and created it. The American flag represents independence and unity as a nation. President Woodrow Wilson established Flag Day on June 14th, 1916 even though many cities and states had been celebrating it for years before.

Sunday June 19-Father's Day- CIS wants to honor all of the dedicated and hard working fathers this month. A special Happy Fathers Day to our own Dan Weber and Charles Federico. Dan is a father of 3 children and a grandfather of 2. Charles is a father of 3 children and a grandfather of 11!

Tuesday June 21-First Day of Summer- The first day of summer season for America and the northern hemisphere is the day the sun is farthest north of the year. Also known as the summer solstice it is the longest day and shortest night of the year.

Always feel free to leave a comment and visit us @ http://www.cisforyou.com/ for a FREE Insurance Quote!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Wild Fire Season

Colorado has already experienced multiple wildfires this year that have already destroyed numerous structures and land. The dry and warm Colorado climate is a dangerous recipe for wildfires.  Whether you live in the mountains, on the plains or even in the city it is important to make sure you and your possessions are prepared for a fire. You can also do many different things to prepare your house and landscape to prevent a fire or reduce damage if a fire approaches.

How to prepare your home
·         Thin trees and shrubs that are within 75 feet from your home. Even further if it is on a slope.
·         Clear all vegetation within the first 15 feet of home. Beyond that trees and shrubs should be thinned to allow 10-12 feet between branches
·         Grass and weeds should be less than 6 inches high
·         Trim branches that extend over roofs and completely remove branches that hang over chimneys
·         Keep wood piles at least 30 feet from home
·         If possible use brick, rock or stucco for exterior of home and fencing
·         Roof is most vulnerable in times of fire. Use class A or B roofing materials such as shingles, slate, clay tiles or metal.
·         Cover exterior vents with metal mesh to prevent sparks from entering home

When a fire approaches
Try to remain calm and remember your evacuation plan and materials.
·         Grab your evacuation box (which was explained in previous blog)
·         Notify insurance company immediately to let them know where you are headed and how to reach you
·         Park vehicles in closed garage with keys in ignition and unlocked (this is so crews can move your vehicles if fire becomes threatening)
·         Attach garden hoes to spigots and fill up trash cans and buckets of water so fire fighters can find them
·         Close all doors inside the home and shut off petroleum gas/natural gas valves
·         Move furniture away from windows and remove curtain blinds

If home is damaged
·         Contact insurance company immediately. You will meet with a claims adjuster and someone will inspect the damage. The first check you will receive will most likely not be your final payment but some money for temporary repairs. Most insurance companies include an “additional living expense” clause which covers your expenses if you are ordered to evacuate or relocate for a period of time.
·         In most cases you will receive two separate checks, one for structural damage and one for personal belongings. This is why it is very important to complete a home inventory
·         Take photos of damages and losses, make temporary repairs and save receipts because you will most likely be reimbursed.

Now you know how to prepare your personal belongings, important documents, home and landscape for a fire or evacuation. Be sure to look over your insurance policy and if you have any questions about your coverage’s don’t be afraid to call your agent. At CO Insurance Specialist we have over 30 years of experience and are happy to answer questions or concerns at any time.

 Work Cited

Goertzen, J., Moreno, J., & Steffen, J. (2011, May 01). Advance planning critical. The Denver Post, p. 13A.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Plan Ahead

Plan Ahead for a Wildfire
Colorado has already experience multiple wildfires this year that have destroyed numerous structures and land. The dry and warm Colorado climate is a dangerous recipe for wildfires.  Whether you live in the mountains, on the plains or even in the city it is important to make sure you and your possessions are prepared for an evacuation.
Insurance Checkup
The first thing you should do is look over your insurance policy and make sure the replacement cost of your structure (Coverage A) is accurate and would cover 100 percent of your structure. Another coverage you need to check is your personal property (Coverage C) to be sure it is enough and is covered at replacement cost.

Home Inventory
It never hurts to have all of your most valuable and expensive possessions documented. You may want to take pictures or videos of each room and store them on a portable computer or USB port. Make a complete list of major possessions or appliances including where you bought them, make, model, serial number and copy of receipts or appraisals.

Know where documents are at
If you have made an inventory list but do not know where it is off the top of your head then it is not helpful! Try keeping a file box or folders that are easily assessable for you but also in a safe location. You should have a copy or actual document of the following:

House inventory
Insurance policy/contract/agent contact information
Social Security cards
Driver’s license
Credit cards
Vehicle Titles
Health insurance cards
Birth certificates
Vaccinations and registration records for pets

A disaster kit

It wouldn’t hurt to have an extra pair of clothes, shoes, blankets, towels, medications, car keys and gloves. In most cases there is a red cross at relief sites that would provide you with the essentials but it is always nice to have your own clothes on your back when going through a disaster.

Plan for your pets

Make arrangements in advance for where your furry friends would go in the event of an evacuation.  Also be sure to keep your pets registrations accurate including contact information. Supplies and information for your pet should also be kept in your evacuation kit. For larger animals include the essentials such as food, bandages, supplements, wire cutters, etc that would last up to 14 days.

Follow the steps

Now that you have these few easy steps to prepare for a wildfire take the necessary actions to be ready. When a fire is approaching your home and you have only minutes to evacuate you most likely will panic. Being prepared will lesson your chances of forgetting something and will help you get out of your house faster. Be sure to visit our blog next week to learn about how to prepare your home to lessen the chances of damage and fire-smart landscaping.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Should I have Uninsured Motorist coverage??

Is Uninsured Motorist coverage mandatory in the state of Colorado? No. Should you have it? Absolutely!

Uninsured Motorist coverage protects you against bodily injury, medical expenses, rehabilitation and loss wages that you may occur when involved in an accident caused by another driver that has lower liability limits or no liability insurance at all. Insurance providers must offer this coverage with any new business or at renewal. Typically this coverage “automatically” comes with your auto policy but you do have the option to reject the coverage. This coverage usually matches your liability limits and can only be purchased as an addition to a primary insurance policy. When purchasing UM you are covering the policy holder, all drivers listed on the policy and in some circumstances passengers.

“According to a data released by the Insurance Research Council (IRC), the probability of being caught in a vehicular accident with an uninsured driver in Colorado is as high as 15%” (Hopper, 2010). Colorado was even ranked 16th in having the most uninsured drivers on the streets. With these staggering facts it is very important to make sure your auto policy has this coverage and to discuss your limits with your agent. At CIS we make sure our clients are always covered and automatically quote each policy with UM because we know how important it can be.

 Work Cited

Hopper, Jenny. (2010, January 29). Many motorist still uninsured in spite of law [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://www.autoquotenow.com/auto-insurance-news/state/many-motorists-still-uninsured-in-colorado-in-spite-of-law-1892.php

What is uninsured motorist coverage? [Web log message]. (2008, August 14). Retrieved from http://www.thetruthaboutinsurance.com/what-is-uninsured-motorist-coverage/

Visit us today for a free quote! http://www.cisforyou.com/

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Loss Assessment

Loss Assessment
When being an owner of a condo unit you also become a part owner of the “common area” of the condominiums association. For example, if there are 200 condos in your association you are 1/200th owner of the common area. Your personal insurance covers everything from the sheet rock in while your HOA covers everything from the sheet rock out. Since you are an individual owner of a unit and a “part” owner of the common area it is very important that your individual property insurance includes loss assessment.
Loss assessment means if your HOA experiences a large loss involving liability claims or property damage (hail, wind, lawsuit etc) they will come after all the residents to reach the HOA’s insurance deductible. When you purchase loss assessment for your individual insurance policy you are protecting yourself in case of a large claim with your HOA. Loss assessment pays up to the limit on your policy without you being subject to your deductible. Many insurance carriers automatically include $1,000 of loss assessment, however it is important to talk to your insurance agent to see what it would cost to increase your limit. Some companies max is $10,000 while others can be up to $100,000.
You do not want to be the neighbor who is paying $2,000 or $10,000 to the HOA because you did not add or increase your loss assessment limits to your policy. It is a relatively cheap endorsement that could come in vital after your neighborhood has experienced a large loss.
Get a free quote today or review your coverage with one of our insurance specialist at CIS.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Boat Owners Wanted

Hey boat owners, now that your boat is de-winterized and summers right around the corner it is important to make sure your boat and loved ones are covered while out on the lake this summer.

Insuring a boat is very different from insuring a car or home. Even though many homeowners’ policies allow you to add a boat the policy, it may not be the best decision for you and your watercraft. When having a specialized boat policy many coverage’s automatically come with the policy that would not be covered under a home owner’s policy. For example, the cost to replace lost or damaged fishing gear, emergency on-water towing and fuel-spill cleanup.

*Total Loss Replacement-replaces boat with brand new one
*Disappearing Deductibles- deductibles reduce by 25% at each renewal if claim free
*Wreckage Removal Coverage
*Medical Payments- includes coverage for water-skiers
*Pet Injury coverage- policy includes this coverage for free. Pays up to $1,000 toward veterinary bills and if pet dies as a result of accident Progressive provides a $1,000 death benefit.

You may be eligible numerous discounts when having a separate boat policy.
*Homeowner discount
*Multi-policy discount
*Original owner discount
*Safety course discount
*Paid in-full discount
*Responsible driver discount

Another vital reason to have a specialized boat policy is in the event of a claim. Companies that provide separate watercraft policies they also provide specialized claims representatives which can be crucial after an accident.

Unlike “captive” agents who only represent one company, independent agents represent several. When discussing what you want/need for your watercraft this summer an independent agent can offer a variety of coverage’s and suggest new coverage’s that will meet your changing needs. At CIS we can provide a combination of price, coverage and service that’s right for you.

Call us today @ 1-888-265-6467 for a free watercraft quote!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

De-Winterizing Your Boat for the Summer!

Don’t get stuck at the dock with your boat not able to start! With summer right around the corner and the beautiful weather Colorado is experiencing, chances are boat owners are itching to get out on the lake. It is important to take a few vital steps in “de-winterizing” your boat before you call up your friends and head to the lake!
If you did not change the oil when you winterized your boat now is the time to do it.

If batter Is corroded then wipe it clean. Also be sure to know if your battery takes water, if so, fill it up. Always check the volts and amps with a battery tester to make sure it has some juice. If the battery is charged and still no juice then it may be time to buy a new battery for your boat.

If you drained the cooling system before you stored the ole’ boat for winter then be sure to fill it back up. Always check the hoses for cracks too.

In the winter the hoses can become dry and crack. Check the hoses and be sure to change the fuel filter.

If you can push the belts more than slightly down then you need to tighten the belts. If belts are not tight enough they will wear faster and chances are higher that they will begin to slip. If belt has a black soot  somewhere in the vicinity of the pulley then it is a sign of a worn belt and it may be time to get a new one.

*change spark plugs
*check power steering/cables
*replace the drain plug
*inspect the prop
*inspect rudder and shafts
*anchor is on board
*check the fire extinguisher expiration date
* * Make sure life vests and personal flotation devices are on board.
Now that you know how to get your boat ready for the lake it is just as important to be properly covered in case of an accident. Visit our blog next week to understand what boat/watercraft insurance covers and how you can save money!

Work Cited
Bostain, Julie. (n.d.). De-winterizing your boat . Retrieved from http://waterski.about.com/od/boatmarineengines/a/dewinterize.htm

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Is your home protected??

Protect your home!
"Winter can be severe throughout many parts of the United States. Here are tips to help you prevent-and deal with-the damaging effects of snow and ice."

Click the link below and find out what to do in case of an ice dam. How to know if there is too much snow on your roof and the steps you should take to remove it. Plus, how to protect your pipes from freezing.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Winter Driving Tactics

During this time of year, many of us wake up to snow, sleet or freezing rain. Yet, we still need to climb behind the wheel and head to work, school or run errands. During the winter season it is important to keep a couple things in mind when living in this bi-polar weather state!

Always plan ahead
Keep an eye on the weather and see how much it is supposed to snow within the next hour or days ahead. If you are less experienced with navigating slick roads, take extra time before you head out. Staying calm and patient will make your trip go a bit more smooth.

Be on the defense
Consider taking a defensive driver class. Not only will this class come in handy when making the treacherous drive but could give you a discount on your auto policy. It is an inexpensive way to brush up on how to respond accordingly in dangerous driving situations and adverse conditions.

Take Care and Repair
According to Car Care Council, more than 5% of all vehicle accidents result from insufficient vehicle maintenance. Be sure to never skip out on a routine checkup especially during seasons of extreme weather.

Park it
It may sound simple but the best way to keep your car working and not involved in an accident is to not drive it during winter storms. Driving in severe conditions increases your chance of being involved in an accident. It's always best to stay safe at home than risk damage to your car or worse.

Since accidents do happen it is so important to be with an insurance company that will be there for you and your family in an emergency. At CIS we do business with 6 major insurance carriers that are all A/A+ rated with AM BEST. Our companies and claims services will be there for you when the roads get messy and an accident happens.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Liability Coverage

With over 30 million automobile accidents every year and 40,000-50,000 of them resulting in death it is VERY important to make sure you and your loved ones have the coverage you need. Even though auto insurance is not something that we look forward to paying every month it will protect you in a major accident or catastrophe. By Colorado law every citizen that either owns or operates a vehicle must carry liability limits of at least 25,000/50,000/15,000. Which means the auto insurance will pay up to $25,000 of personal bodily injury per person in one accident, up to $50,000 of personal bodily injury per one accident and $15,000 total for property damage per each accident.
At CO Insurance Specialist we advise that our insureds carry higher than the state minimum requirements. We feel and have experienced that the minimum limits per person are far too low for our clients. With the price of vehicles, hospital visits and attorney fees on the rise you can imagine that even a minor accident can add up quickly.
We urge you to look over your current auto insurance policy and make sure your liability limits are higher than the state minimum and that you are fully covered in case of an accident. Although paying a little less each month may seem worth it now, think of what it would be to pay $5,000 to $50,000 out of your pocket all at once after a major accident.
For any more insurance questions or quotes please visit us online @ http://www.cisforyou.com/ or call us @ 1-888-265-6467

Work Cited
"Noble Continuing Education." Personal Property Insurance. ED. houston: noble continuing education, 2005. Print.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

UMPD?? What's that??

One term that many people are not familiar with is uninsured motorist property damage, also known as UMPD. This is an endorsement you can add to your policy if you have a vehicle with Liability Only. UMPD covers your vehicle if a driver with out insurance hits you and damages your vehicle. With this coverage you are subject to a deductible (usually $200 or $250) and it runs approximately $2 a month.

It is important to understand if you have this coverage or want this coverage. If your vehicle is Liability Only and you do not have UMPD and a driver with out insurance hits you and totals your vehicle, then you are out a vehicle. However, if you have UMPD and your vehicle is hit and totalled by an uninsured driver, your company will pay to fix or replace your vehicle. With 15% of drivers in Colorado not insured it is imperative to understand if you and your vehicle will be covered in case of an accident.

visit us @ http://www.cisforyou.com/ to get a free quote and make sure you and your vehicles are properly covered.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Happy Friday!

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire??
A frostbite

What do prisoners use to call eachother??
A cellphone

How do crazy people go through the forest??
Take the psycho path

What do you get from a pampered cow??
Spoiled milk

Happy Friday Everyone! If you have any funny "what do you call" jokes please share! Also do not forget to visit us @ http://www.cisforyou.com/ and get your FREE NO-OBLIGATION quote today!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Don't Assume It's Covered

Did you get a nice piece of jewelry for Valentines Day this year? If so, it is important to understand what articles are automatically covered under your personal property insurance and which articles you may want to Schedule.

The contents of your home such as furniture, clothing, electronics etc. are considered personal property. Your personal property can be found under coverage C of a dwelling policy. These items will be covered as long as you own it as the insured and as long as it is used by you as the insured anywhere in the world. The limit of your personal property coverage is based off of the amount your home is insured for, typically this amount is 70% of the homes insured value.

There are limits of liability that apply to many items. The following is the common limit on each article but it is important to remember that many insurance companies vary.

*Money, bank notes, gold other than gold wear, silver other than silver wear, coins & medals: $200

*Securities, accounts, deeds, evidence of debts, letters of credit, passports, tickets & stamps: $1,000

* Water craft, trailers, furnishings, equipment and outboard motors all under 50 HP: $1,000

* Trailers not used with water craft: $1,000

* Theft of jewelry, watches, furs, precious and semiprecious stones: $2,500

*Loss of firearms by theft: $2,500

*Theft of silverware, silver-plated ware, gold ware, gold-plated ware and pewter ware: $2,500

* Property on the residence premises used for business purposes: $2,500

Discuss with your agent what limits you have on these certain personal property items and keep in mind you are subject to your deductible in case of a loss. If you feel that your articles are worth more than the policy limits then you should add the Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement. This endorsement allows you to increase your limits of coverage on your valuable articles and covers you for mysterious disappearance. This means for example if you drop your ring down the drain or lose it on a trip your item will be covered.Scheduling is not subject to your deductible and usually runs about ten dollars per thousand.

So make sure your valuable items you own are fully covered with the Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement.

Always remember, here at CIS we have over 30 years of insurance experience, which makes us not just agents but insurance specialist.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Co Insurance Specialists: What to do in case of an accident

Co Insurance Specialists: What to do in case of an accident: "With the roads covered in snow and accidents more likely to happen, it is important to remember what to do when involved in an accident. Lis..."

What to do in case of an accident

With the roads covered in snow and accidents more likely to happen, it is important to remember what to do when involved in an accident. Listed below are things you should immediately do after an accident:

* Remain at the scene of the accident.
* Take steps to prevent further accidents-park safely, turn on emergency flashers.
* Call the police or ask someone to call for you.
*Give the other driver(s) your name, insurance company phone number, the vehicle's license plate number and your drivers license number.
*Obtain the same information from all other parties involved and witnesses.
* Do not admit fault. Discuss the specifics of the accident only with the police.
* If you have a digital camera or camera phone, take photos of the accident scene and vehicles if it is safe to do so.
* Call your insurance carrier toll-free hot line immediately. It is important to call right away so they can get to work settling your claim fast, fair and hassle-free.

It is important to remain calm, make sure you are not injured and get as much information as possible from all parties involved.


Monday, January 31, 2011

Winter Driving Tactics

During this time of year, many of us wake up to snow, sleet or freezing rain. Yet, we still need to climb behind the wheel and head to work, school or errands. During the winter season it is important to keep a couple things in mind when living in this bi-polar weather state!

Always plan ahead
Keep an eye on the weather and see how much it is supposed to snow within the next hour or days ahead. If you are less experienced with navigating slick roads, take extra time before you head out. Staying calm and patient will make your trip go a bit more smooth.

Be on the defense
Consider taking a defensive driver class. Not only will this class come in handy when making the treacherous drive but could give you a discount on your auto policy. It is an inexpensive way to brush up on how to respond accordingly in dangerous driving situations and adverse conditions.

Take Care and Repair
According to Car Care Council, more than 5% of all vehicle accidents result from insufficient vehicle maintenance. Be sure to never skip out on a routine checkup especially during seasons of extreme weather.

Park it
It may sound simple but the best way to keep your car working and not involved in an accident is to not drive it during winter storms. Driving in severe conditions increases your chance of being involved in an accident. It's always best to stay safe at home than risk damage to your car or worse.

Since accidents do happen it is so important to be with an insurance company that will be there for you and your family in an emergency. At CIS we do business with 6 major insurance carriers that are all A/A+ rated with AM BEST. Our companies and claims services will be there for you when the roads get messy and an accident happens.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Whats going to cost you

Ever afraid of turning in a claim because you think you will be paying for it for the next 5 years?? OR have you ever turned in a claim only to find out that you WILL be surcharged for it for the next 3 to 5 years??

Your insurance score and premium is determined by MANY different factors but the one factor we will discuss today are chargeable claims.

It is very important to know the difference between Comprehensive and Collision when having FULL coverage on your vehicle.

Comprehensive coverage provides protection against the following; fire, theft, malicious mischief, windstorm, flying objects, hail, hitting an animal, and broken windows. Comprehensive coverage often has a deductible and can be sold alone without including collision coverage.

Collision coverage will not be issued unless comprehensive coverage is included. In order for collision coverage to come into play, there must be physical contact between the auto covered and another car, truck or object which then causes physical damage to your auto.

Comprehensive claims are NOT chargeable. In other words after you turn in a comp claim your insurance premium will not increase because of the claim. A valuable thing to know between comprehensive and collision is that if the object is moving when it strikes your vehicle the claim would fall under comprehensive if the object is stationary and you strike the object the claim would fall under collision.

Also, when getting into an accident with some one that is uninsured and the accident is NOT your fault, YOUR insurance will pay for the damages but will not surcharge you for the claim. Same with a hit and run on your covered vehicle.

Any accident that is YOUR fault and if money is paid out, whether it is for property damage, bodily injury, medical, or collision you will be surcharged.

At CO Insurance Specialist we represent over 10 different companies. This is important because each company has different rating scores and even though one company may increase your premium drastically for a chargeable claim another company may not. At each renewal we shop for the best rates to guarantee that you receive the most competitive rates and broadest coverages at all times. Don't be stuck paying an outrageous premium because of an at fault accident two years ago. Let us find you the company that fits you and your claims best.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Liability Coverage

With over 30 million automobile accidents every year and 40,000-50,000 of them resulting in death it is VERY important to make sure you and your loved ones have the coverage you need. Even though auto insurance is not something that we look forward to paying every month it will protect you in a major accident or catastrophe. By Colorado law every citizen that either owns or operates a vehicle must carry liability limits of at least 25,000/50,000/15,000. Which means the auto insurance will pay up to $25,000 of personal bodily injury per person in one accident, up to $50,000 of personal bodily injury per one accident and $15,000 total for property damage per each accident.
At CO Insurance Specialist we advise that our insureds carry higher than the state minimum requirements. We feel and have experienced that the minimum limits per person are far too low for our clients. With the price of vehicles, hospital visits and attorney fees on the rise you can imagine that even a minor accident can add up quickly.
We urge you to look over your current auto insurance policy and make sure your liability limits are higher than the state minimum and that you are fully covered in case of an accident. Although paying a little less each month may seem worth it now, think of what it would be to pay $5,000 to $50,000 out of your pocket all at once after a major accident.
For any more insurance questions or quotes please visit us online @ http://www.cisforyou.com/ or call us @ 1888-265-6467

Work Cited
"Noble Continuing Education." Personal Property Insurance. ED. houston: noble continuing education, 2005. Print.